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Carbon Price Forecast

Trying to get a better handle on carbon allowance prices? You are not alone. Market participants have been asking for an easy-to-understand, Carbon Allowance price forecast that is useful for both trading and long term planning.


Utilizing GridOptix along with other models, Semaphore Energy produces a fundamental supply and demand carbon allowance price forecast at a jurisdictional level. The forecast is updated quarterly with changes from both the carbon market as well as the power market.


We want to provide our customers with a carbon forecast model that is easy to understand and visualize the potential impacts affecting the market so they can make informed decisions based on the most accurate data available.


Wavy Abstract Background

Power Demand

The Power industry is not the biggest producer of carbon, but it is one of the most challenging to model out and predict. Semaphore Energy's power models will help give a clear range of potential future demand from the sector. 

Market Imbalances

How are supply and demand balances? How many allowances have been banked? How does linking the different Carbon markets change the dynamic? Let us track, measure the potential impacts of these, and more.

Banking Strategies

With our long-term supply and demand model for the Carbon Allowance markets, we can look out to the future, see potential shortfalls, and model out possible banking strategies to help hedge price risk.

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